Unique I am, not because born only child I am.
Born on a 1983 winter afternoon
Under a good star. It was the first snow of the winter
In my town. Thought my parents would choose
First name related to snow flake, name would rather mean
"Bamboos in the dawn", that tricked me into thinking
For many years that I was born in the morning
Name means:
Morning sun bathing bamboos, I grew up strong.
Born and raised in China, after graduation fron Shenyang university, I have decided to study further in France. I spend 6 years there, improving my french language and following the french academic art study. I lived the french students' live, faced the 'administration' burden and also travelled europe. To finance my stay, I had summer and student jobs such as cook aid in a small restaurant, picking fruits in the loom or sorting fruits for a farm. Along all those years, I shared the everyday live with other students from china and abroad, creating a colorful community that influenced my vision of the country I lived in.
2008-2012: Ecole Supérieur d'Art et de Design Marseille-Mediterranée Master in design, and art 2007-2008: Toulouse-Mirail University Applied Art courses 2006-2007: Institut Catholique de Toulouse French course for foreigners
2002-2006: North-East University, Shenyang Bachelor in design, cum laude 1983: Born in Shenyang, a northern chinese city and capital of Liaoning province
August 2013: The 8th China Sports Arts Exhibition, Shenyang Selected in China to be displayed with 200 others pieces of art for the Art Exhibition associated with the 12th National Games event organized in Shenyang